With autumn approaching and the temperature a great 25c – 28c this is the time of the year that is the most pleasant on the Costa Blanca or Costa Calida. With the rest of Northern Europe starting to prepare for the winter months ahead this is the period that you really appreciate the climate in this region of Spain, and this is why it is so popular with buyers of Spanish properties.

With the property market continuing to flourish as clients decide to finally purchase after the pandemic we have had our best ever month of sales recently. We look forward to helping and assisting many more clients who are booked to visit on our viewing trips over the next couple of months.

In this months newsletter we will provide you with buying and selling tips along with the best buys on the market.

We love keeping you up to date with the latest Spanish property news, buying tips and the latest property offers and whether you are a potential buyer or looking to sell your Spanish property do not hesitate to contact us with your queries by clicking

As we all know location is the most important aspect when deciding where to purchase a property and to get a feel for each location you really need to visit in person as looking on the internet does not give you the real feeling.

An experienced reputable Estate Agent will listen to your property wish list and they will be able to recommend areas and properties that you may not be aware of from looking on the internet. We have helped many clients purchase their place in the sun in locations that they have never visited or considered before but we knew they fitted the clients requirements.

With so many different areas to consider a viewing trip will enable you to narrow down your search therefore saving you valuable time.

A viewing trip enables you to ask all the questions that you will have about purchasing Spanish property, A buyer who has all the answers to their questions is more confident to proceed with a purchase.

Finally meeting your Estate Agent face to face and Spanish lawyers enables you to make the decision if you are happy to work with both parties as it is important that you will have a good working relationship, you have to be confident that these people will act in your best interest.

Spanish Property Prices Continue To Increase

If you are planning on purchasing a new modern Spanish property you should be aware that prices continue to increase due to the cost of land going up in areas close to the coast and also due to the increased cost of building materials. With the lack of supply of building materials this has seen a sharp increase in property prices.

Our advice is to act quick if you intend to purchase a new property as developers are increasing property prices when new phases are released.

As we are all aware the energy costs are also increasing and purchasing a more energy efficient new property will save you money on the costs of utility bills compared to the older Spanish properties that are badly insulated.

Spanish Property Purchase Money Laundering

If you are buying a Spanish property you will have to ensure that the funds that you are using to pay for a property have to be documented where the funds have come from. If you have received an inheritance or received a lump sum from a pension or other source you are required to show the bank source that the funds were paid into your UK account Or Euro account. With tough new regulations to prevent money laundering make sure you can provide the required paper trail.

Top Tips If You Are Looking To Sell Your Spanish Property

Less is best clear away excess ornaments etc and keep the look minimal as buyers love to have space.

Fresh lick of paint makes a property look inviting and clean, for the cost of a few tins of emulsion this will increase the chances of selling your property and also achieving a better price.

A crystal clear pool tells prospective buyers about how the property has been looked after.

We all love our pets but some buyers may be put off, remove pets, their beds and toys before a viewing.

Finally do not be offended if the Estate Agents asks you go for a short walk during a viewing as most potential buyers prefer viewing a property without the owner present, looking over their shoulder.




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Villa in La Manga Golf Club
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
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Villa in La Manga Golf Club
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
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