We hope you are well and looking forward to seeing family, friends and arranging your next trip over to Spain when lockdown is over.

The good news from Spain is that the strict lockdown rules that were introduced early on are now showing positive results and you can now get out within set times for a coffee or a cool drink. We have been in lockdown here in Spain from the 17th March and the fact that you can now have the freedom to sit in a plaza is a thankful pastime that we always took for granted before Covid19. The normal things that we did before may have changed but in some cases for the best as we all now realise that life is for living and enjoying instead of striving for material possessions.

We are now receiving enquiries from clients seriously considering relocating to Spain as they have realised that they can easily work from home and enjoy a cheaper more relaxing lifestyle. I am sure that this is attractive to a lot of people and why wait, contact us now for more information.

Although we are still in lockdown we have still been very busy preparing this months newsletter for you and we hope that the latest property news updates and tips are helpful to you.

As always we would love to answer any questions that you may have so do not hesitate to contact us with your queries by clicking

Why You Should Consider Moving Your Office To Spain.

With the current situation we have seen how easy it can be to work from home and this could significantly reduce the commuting time and also provide a better quality of life.

We are currently receiving enquiries from clients looking for information about relocating to Spain. With a couple of hours flight time from most European countries should you require to make a trip back it is no big deal. The Covid19 lockdown has proved that with technology businesses can still thrive with costs reduced by allowing employees to work from home.

It might be worth asking your boss or if you have your own business asking yourself why you should not relocate to Spain and start living a better lifestyle.

Take Advantage Of Lockdown To Get The Best Prices For Property Maintenance.

Now is the time to seriously consider making arrangements for some property maintenance. With the temperature starting to increase you should be arranging for your air conditioning units to be serviced while the engineers are quieter. This is the time for you to negotiate better terms now compared to when they are busier in the hot summer months.

All properties require a fresh lick of paint every few years and the fact you will not be visiting your property in the next few weeks now is the time to arrange for a reputable painter and decorator to give your property a quick freshen up ready for you or your renters next arrival.

Finally if you are looking to sell or declutter you can arrange for the local charity to come free of charge to remove the items. When selling your property it is better to have a clutter free, tidy home.

How To Apply For A Spanish National Insurance Number

With any property purchase in Spain it is compulsory for you to have a Spanish National Insurance Number and the procedure for applying for the NIE is explained in the above video.

Demand For Spanish Properties With Outdoor Living Areas Likely To Increase After Covid19.

Wtih the Covid19 lockdown restrictions being reduced we expect the demand for Spanish properties that have outdoor living areas to increase as we learn from the experiences of the lockdown.

It was evident that during lockdown how important is was to have outdoor living areas such as gardens or terraces. We therefore expect future house buyers to look for properties that provide outdoor living especially in the cities where the housing market is mostly apartments.

This Months Selected Property Portfolio.



Ref: P5821
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Ref: P5822
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
Ref: P1022
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
Ref: P1023
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
Ref: P1029
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
Ref: P1031
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
Ref: P1032
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
Ref: P1035
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
Ref: P1043
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