We hope that you are very well and looking forward to the Easter break. In normal circumstances we would be preparing for many viewing tours over the next few weeks but with travel restrictions it is going to be a quieter holiday period.

It is frustrating for our clients desperate to come over to find their place in the sun however as we all appreciate times have changed and we have to be patient and wait until restrictions are lifted.

Meanwhile we can still keep you updated with the latest Spanish property news, buying tips and the latest property offers.

As always we would love to answer any questions that you may have about buying or selling Spanish property, therefore do not hesitate to contact us with your queries by clicking

Spanish Buyers Top The Property Purchase Charts

Covid19 has changed the way Spanish people look at their home. Previously the home was just somewhere they slept and made breakfast. It has often been said that the Spanish live in the streets, they meet up with friends at cafes and bars, they are outdoor sports lovers, they go away to their villages for the weekend. Their house was just a base for their lifestyle.

Now people work from home more readily and they have discovered in many cases that they like it, avoiding commutes, not being judged all day by overbearing supervisors and having more time to themselves as a result. This has resulted in many Spanish now purchasing properties that provide gardens and outdoor space. This has really fueled the property market and if you are selling your property it is important to have it listed with an agency such as Chersun that targets the Spanish market as well as the northern European market.

Spanish Golden VIsa Attracting High Net Worth Property Buyers

The Golden Visa for Spain is a residence visa issued to a non-EU national who intends to make a significant investment in the Spanish economy. The visa offers the holder and their family members residency in Spain and visa-free access to the Schengen Zone.

In most cases, Spain Golden Visas are issued to someone who purchases real estate. The visa will then allow you and family to visit Spain as often as you like, unlike the 90 days in 180 days for other non EU property owners.

To be eligible for a Spanish Golden Visa, you must make the following investments:

·     Purchase real estate in Spain worth at least €500,000. The real estate can be one single unit or several, with an overall worth no less than €500,000.

Young Professional Families Looking To Relocate For A Better Lifestyle

With many young professionals now working from home this has made them realise that working from a home in the sunny climate of Spain is feasible. We are now receiving more enquiries from families asking about the education system in Spain and also the general cost of living. I can happily confirm that there are many great schools available from local Spanish schools to fee paying international schools and the lower cost of living along with the great family culture make a family move to Spain appealing.

Our family moved to Spain over 16 years ago and our daughter Suzanne attended an international school as we felt at age 12 it would be better for her than going into a Spanish school as she did not speak the language. I can happily confirm that her first language is now Spanish and she is now married to a great Spanish husband Juan Antonio and they have a daughter Clara age 3 who is bi-lingual.If you are looking for more advice or information about relocating the family to Spain do not hesitate to contact us at Chersun

Five Spanish Property Buying Tips

Always find out what the community fees are if the property is in a complex ,as it is better to find out the financial outlay before and not after you purchase.

Ensure the property has all the necessary licences for any renovation work as the town hall may fine you in the future if work has been done that is not legal.

Think of the future if you are buying a 2 storey property and ensure that there is a bedroom and toilet downstairs as it is not uncommon to have mobility issues in later life.

If purchasing a holiday home buy a property that you can see the whole family using. Teenage sons or daugthers might not be interested in visiting your rural finca.

Finally do not be afraid to ask your Estate Agents questions as the more answers you have will help you decide if the location and property is exactly what you want.




Ref: P5821
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Ref: P5822
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
Ref: P1022
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
Ref: P1023
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
Ref: P1029
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
Ref: P1031
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
Ref: P1032
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
Ref: P1035
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La Manga Golf Club


Villa in La Manga Golf Club
Ref: P1043
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